
Below you'll see a list off all the exercises that are currently in the "Loose Cannon" database. Keep coming back to see what's been added and feel free to contact, "Loose Cannon Fitness" should you have any suggestions as far as what kind of exercises you would like to see included in the, "Loose Cannon" library!

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Click on these links to sort by Equipment, Difficulty Level and Muscle Group.

Exercise Difficulty Equipment Muscle Group View Listen Purchase
Grahams I N Abs
Stay with the pace, keep those legs straight, point those toes and feel the burn, baby! (25 reps)

Ins and Outs (10 Reps) I N Abs
This is a great exercise to build those abs, especially with the, "Loose Cannon" approach by having to stay with a prescribed tempo! Get some! (10 reps)

Bosarge's E N C
I don't care who you are! This will wear you out! You're doing 8 counts of touching the chair with your feet and the two Squat Thrusts. That will do some delicious damage!

Culunge's, Squats, Military Press, Calve Raises, Rows, Grahams E Y C
While this is the starting exercise, it's hardly the "shallow end of the pool." Good night! Depending on how heavy you go, this will definitely wake you up in the morning!

Sparring Burpees E N C
A combination of Burpees with some free sparring in the middle. A great exercise!

Squats / Crouching Tigers E Y C
I don't care who you are, this will wear you out! Squats and Crouching Tigers! Buckle up!

Devildogs - Bench Press I Y Chest
Bench Press the same weight 10 repetitions, 10 times.

Burpees I Y CPD
One of the best and worst exercises on the planet! Burpees! (10 reps)

Burpees (25 reps) E N CPD
One of the best and worst exercises on the planet! Burpees! This is the "expert" version. You're doing 25. Got get it! (25 reps)

Crouchin' Tigers I Y CPD
This one is a challenge. Keeping your center of gravity stable while hoisting those weights over your head forces your muscles to work in ways that go beyond your basic military press!

Dipppin' Hammers I Y CPD
A great exercise for your biceps, your quads and everything in between!

Stick and Move I N CPD
This was originally designed to be a part of a workout routine for students at a local Tae Kwon Do Academy. Designed to be a double edged sword in that you're building muscle, developing endurance, increasing your agility while simultaneously honing your skill as a martial artist. Named after "Martial Arts Center of Excellence" located at Raider Hall in Quantico, Virginia, this workout will be both a challenge and a benefit to anyone who wants to give it a shot. This is one of those exercises that starts off slow, but gets progressively harder the longer you stay with it. Those double time punches will get to you when you do them aggressively. Bring it!

Devildogs - Row I Y Lats
Just like starting your lawn mower - only doing it 100 times!

80 - 20s I N LB
80% of your weight on your front foot, 20% on your back foot. Reach down, touch the floor and repeat! Beautiful!

Back and Forth I N LB
Designed to increase your capacity for explosive side to side movements - especially relevant for athletes needing that extra edge when it's time to lead off your base or cover your man. Otherwise, it's just a great exercise for your lower body!

Bicycles I N LB
Old favorite. Quality groove! Sweet little abdominal exercise! Go get it!

Calf Raises I N LB
The first part of the exercise will tax both your calves and your quads. Then when you get on the chair anything that has yet to be shredded will at that point be sliced and diced!

Cherry Pickers I N LB
Cherry Pickers! A classic and for good reason! Keep those feet off the deck and feel the burn!

Chinese Jumping Jacks I N LB
Sometimes this exercise is done as part of a Jumping Jack drill. Check that out at some point! You think it's hard in this context...

Chorus Line I N LB
The secret here is to get your legs up. And as challenging as it may appear from the standpoint of your legs, your core will be aching as well! Smell that? That's the smell of good training!

Clockwork I N LB
This was originally designed to be a part of a workout routine for students at a local Tae Kwon Do Academy. Designed to be a double edged sword in that you're building muscle, developing endurance, increasing your agility while simultaneously honing your skill as a martial artist. Named after "Martial Arts Center of Excellence" located at Raider Hall in Quantico, Virginia, this workout will be both a challenge and a benefit to anyone who wants to give it a shot. Similar to "Force March," but lower and deeper. Translation: A more delicious brand of misery and motivation!

Concentration Kicks I N LB
This was originally designed to be a part of a workout routine for students at a local Tae Kwon Do Academy. Designed to be a double edged sword in that you're building muscle, developing endurance, increasing your agility while simultaneously honing your skill as a martial artist. Named after "Martial Arts Center of Excellence" located at Raider Hall in Quantico, Virginia, this workout will be both a challenge and a benefit to anyone who wants to give it a shot. "Concentration Kicks" will work your quads and your core. Great way to build those muscles and focus on good kicking technique!

Dewannas I N LB
This particular exercise has you engaging multiple muscle groups. You're kickin', punchin' while doing some deep squats on top of all that. Let's do this!

Dip and Switch (10 Reps) I N LB
Make sure you're bending at the knees and not at the waist on this one. Do it right, stay with the pace and you've got one quality exercise! (10 reps)

Dip and Switch (25 Reps) E N LB
Make sure you're bending at the knees and not at the waist on this one. Do it right, stay with the pace and you've got one quality exercise! This is just like the 10 rep version, only this one you're doing a full 25 repetitions!

Flamingos E N LB
The demonstration is "sufficient," but you can make this into an excruciating exercise by going down further. Food for thought...!

Flutter Kicks E N LB
An oldie but a goodie. I'm holding my left arm out to the side in this demo because I had surgery on it a couple of weeks prior to our making these videos. It serves a purpose, however, in that any of these exercises that have you positioning your hands under your butt can be made more challenging by putting them to your side. Food for thought...

Four - Four E N LB
You're doing a jab, a cross and then two kicks. Maintain the tempo that you're hearing and look! You're sweating profusely!

Gorillas I N LB
"Gorillas" - a very apt name once you see yourself in the mirror jumping around like a primate. But make no mistake, it's loaded with pain! Good training!

Grahams (25 Reps) | Expert E N LB
Stay with the pace, keep those legs straight, point those toes and feel the burn, baby! And this version has you doing 25 deliciously miserable repetitions! Bring it! (25 reps)

Hand to Knee I N LB
You wouldn't think this would be that difficult, but when done right, this will take the wind out of your sails! Buckle up!

Humming Birds E N LB
A familiar exercise but at a pretty decent clip! Buckle up!

In's and Out's (25 Reps) E N LB
A great exercise! Try to keep your feet about six inches off the deck. That will make this exercise even more profitable! (25 reps)

Jumping Jack Drill E N LB
What makes this tough is the length of time you're asked to keep it up! Remember, when you get to the "Squat Jacks" portion, your shoulders don't move. You'll know you're doing it right when your quads are begging for some relief!

Karaoke I N LB
Like "Twister" without the spinner! Move those legs, stay with the cadence and develop some speed and agility!

Knee to Chest E N LB
Keep your hands by your side and bring those knees all the way up to your chest. Smell that? That's the aroma of good training!

Leg Lifts E N LB
Do your best to keep you legs straight and stay with the pace!

Locomotives I LB
Get that knee all the way up to your elbow. Keep you gut tight and enjoy the ride!

Mountain Climbers I N LB
You're taxing most of your major muscle groups with this one. A real common exercise in Boot Camp. Go get it!

Pyramids I N LB
This was originally designed to be a part of a workout routine for students at a local Tae Kwon Do Academy. Designed to be a double edged sword in that you're building muscle, developing endurance, increasing your agility while simultaneously honing your skill as a martial artist. Named after "Martial Arts Center of Excellence" located at Raider Hall in Quantico, Virginia, this workout will be both a challenge and a benefit to anyone who wants to give it a shot. "Pyramids" has you kicking once, then twice then three times. Same leg. Then you go back down the ladder. It can be exhausting if you do it right!

Reverse Crunches I N LB
A great way to work your abs without taxing your lower back!

Rocking Chairs I N LB
Just concentrate on bringing your heels to your butt and you've got it!

Round Kicks I N LB
Unlike a Side Kick where you're bringing your foot up and kicking straight at your target, here you're bringing your knee up then bringing your foot around some you're coming at your target from the side.

Russian Situps E N LB
Keep your legs flat on the floor and make those abs work! Rock on!

Side Kicks I N LB
The higher you kick, the harder it is. The thing you want to maintain is the pace. However high you can go, great! But don't start cheating on your speed or your form. Buckle up!

Single Leg Bulgarian Leg Squats / Reverse Crunches E Y LB
You're going to be ready to switch to Reverse Crunches after you do several Bulgarian Squats - just saying'!

Situp Drills E N LB
Three minutes never felt so long! Start off with Leg Lifts, then go to Bicycles then Rocking Chairs. Repeat! Remember, no cussing and no puking!

Squats (25 reps) E N LB
This is harder than what it may appear to be, especially when you get into rep number 12 and 13. Mind you, you need to be going down all the way. If you're doing it correctly, you'll be glad this puppy is done once you've completed rep number 25! You can do this with weights or without. Your choice!

St Louis Kicks I N LB
This was originally designed to be a part of a workout routine for students at a local Tae Kwon Do Academy. Designed to be a double edged sword in that you're building muscle, developing endurance, increasing your agility while simultaneously honing your skill as a martial artist. Named after "Martial Arts Center of Excellence" located at Raider Hall in Quantico, Virginia, this workout will be both a challenge and a benefit to anyone who wants to give it a shot. You'll probably use this one quite a bit. Getting that leg up can get pretty challenging after several repetitions.

Super Skaters E N LB
Great exercise that works the lower body in a way that makes you say, "Buckle up!"

Touch and Go I N LB
This was originally designed to be a part of a workout routine for students at a local Tae Kwon Do Academy. Designed to be a double edged sword in that you're building muscle, developing endurance, increasing your agility while simultaneously honing your skill as a martial artist. Named after "Martial Arts Center of Excellence" located at Raider Hall in Quantico, Virginia, this workout will be both a challenge and a benefit to anyone who wants to give it a shot. Keep it light, but be thinking of making some serious contact with your target. That's "Touch and Go!"

Trunk Twisters E N LB
Keep those legs straight, point those toes and look pretty! This is a ghastly exercise that you'll enjoy every minute of!

Watching TV I N LB
It hurts the arms, but right about the time you're thinking, "Man, my arms are sore," your core starts sending your brain messages that it would really like some slack!

Devildogs - Squat I Y Quads
Remember to go down all the way. 10 reps, 10 times - feel those legs start to quiver!

Devildogs - Military Press I Y SLDRs
Lifting the weight directly over your head and back down at the pace dictated by the track. 10 reps - 10 times!

Devildogs - Tricep Extension I Y TRIs
Lay down on your back, preferably on a bench so you've got room behind your head. Lift the weight (either barbell or dumbell) directly over your head, keep your elbows stationary and bring the weight back behind your head. Bring it back up - that's one!

Bench Press / Rocking Chairs E Y UB
You're doing Bench Press first, but pay attention to the fact that you're alternating between a double time pace and a half time pace. That will shred your pecs when you do it right. And by the time you're supposed to be doing Rocking Chairs, your chest will be gasping for breath!

Bent Over / Upright Rows I Y UB
Start off doing Bent Over Rows then segue into Upright Rows. Same muscle, but from a different angle. Quality!

Checkerboards I N UB
This was originally designed to be a part of a workout routine for students at a local Tae Kwon Do Academy. Designed to be a double edged sword in that you're building muscle, developing endurance, increasing your agility while simultaneously honing your skill as a martial artist. Named after "Martial Arts Center of Excellence" located at Raider Hall in Quantico, Virginia, this workout will be both a challenge and a benefit to anyone who wants to give it a shot. "Checkerboards" is based on an escape skill. Watch the video and be prepared to feel your upper body and core begin to ache! Quality!

Cheerleaders / Teapots / Goblets E Y UB
Your Deltoids will be the ones to start complaining, then your lats and then, just when your abs were thinking that there were going to be able to relax, you hit them with Goblets. Sweet!

Decline Pushups E N UB
You can "edit" this exercise a little bit by adjusting how wide you spread your arms. Just a thought...

Devildogs - Pullups I Y UB
One of the best exercises to develop upper body strength. This will knock you out, friend! 100 pullups, 10 at a time!

Dips E N UB
Try elevating your legs, then lifting one leg up, then the other. Feel free to incorporate some of those dynamics to make this delicious round of pain even more tasty!

Flies E Y UB
Lock those elbows as much as possible and feel that burn!

Iron Mikes I N UB
The "Iron Mike" isn't a complicated exercise, but it's a butt - kicker! This is the intermediate version.

Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut I N UB
Make sure that when you punch, you're putting your hip into it and really snapping those arms / fists. If your'e doing it right, you'll feel it!

Jumping Jack Pushups I N UB
A phenomenal combination of "Jumping Jacks" and "Push Ups!" I'm glad my Drill Instructor hadn't heard of these when he was looking for creative ways to discipline Platoon 3051!

Marching Pushups I N UB
A quality combination of Mountain Climbers and Pushups. Listen close to hear the cadence and buckle up!

Pushup Drill E N UB
A solid three minutes of Pushups done on your hands and knees. Don't think it's easy. I was introduced to this in place of a "speed bag." Start off with Diamonds, then go to your arms being shoulder width apart, then go to Wide Grip! Yessir!

Pushups (10 reps) I N UB
You can't beat the classics, although the, "Loose Cannon" approach in this instance adds a new dynamic to an old favorite. Buckle up! This one's good!

Pushups (25 reps) E N UB
Can't argue with success! This is a true classic!

Sphinx Pushups E N UB
One of the hardest versions of a pushup you'll ever do!

Stacks Pushups E N UB
Just like conventional pushups, only you've got one leg "stacked" over the other. Downright challenging and a great exercise!

Tiger Abs E N UB
This ain't your typical situp, baby! Three sit ups in one deft move!

USMC Pushups I N UB
The "Loose Cannon" salute to the Devil Dogs! Marine Corps pushups! Ooo- Rah! (10 reps)

USMC Pushups (25 Reps) E N UB
The "Loose Cannon" salute to the Devil Dogs! Marine Corps pushups! Ooo- Rah!