Loose Cannon Fitness came about by combining my experience in the military with some exercises I was using as part of my stint as a Fitness Instructor and as a Strength and Conditioning Coach.
First of all, at Parris Island, when you exercise, you exercise as a team. You have a leader that dictates the exercise as well as the number of reps and the pace. I used that same approach when I was a fitness instructor at the County Rec Center and I was getting a lot of positive feedback both from my class as well as the Football Team that I was working with. But it was when one of the coaches came up and asked me to put together a short, 15 minute workout that would challenge them while simultaneously duplicate the kind of dynamic that they would face on the gridiron, that the formula for, "Loose Cannon" was developed.
The thing is, it’s interval training. It’s not a revolutionary concept by any means, but the thing that makes “Loose Cannon” something to be excited about is the fact that you have a certain standard built into the program as a result of the tempo that’s prescribed for each exercise. And that’s key!
The reason my athletes were able to benefit from what I was having them do is because I was leading them by dictating the pace of each exercise. Interval Training by itself isn’t necessarily the butt kicker that it could be if you’re not being obligated to give 100%.
So often when we exercise, even the most disciplined among us, will push ourselves to a point, but then we start to back off a little bit. And it’s usually right there when we’re tempted to cut ourselves a little slack that we need to push in order to really tax that muscle and be able to progress beyond our current threshold. With, “Loose Cannon,” you don’t have that option. Your feet are held to the fire from start to finish and within a very short amount of time you are in that zone where muscle is being built, fat is being burned and your endurance is being enhanced.
When you do Burpees, you’re hearing me calling out the cadence with a drumset in the background reinforcing the pace. When you do Marine Corps Push Ups, you’re doing them to a specific tempo. Do you see where this is going?
And what’s really great about all this is that you don’t need any equipment. There are exercises that incorporate weights, but that doesn’t need to be a fixture in order for you to use, “Loose Cannon.” Nor do you need a TV monitor to do the workout. All you need is an mp3 player and a place to perspire. In addition, "Loose Cannon" doesn’t have any bookends. By that I mean, given the number of exercise and the different tempos and repetitions – the possible combinations are unlimited. You’ll be able to come out to loosecannonfitness.com and see a constant stream of new workouts and exercises, some with equipment, some without – but all of them designed around this approach that represents the ultimate combination of accountability and exercise.
That’s Loose Cannon Fitness! |